Ambassador supports Interreligious Dialogue
Meeting with the Consortium on May 31, 2016
At a meeting with members of the Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations in The Hague, the Indonesian Ambassador, I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, expressed his support for the 4th Indonesian-Dutch Interfaith Dialogue, to be held in Ambon from 24 to 26 August this year. Building a close relationship is the focus of cooperation between the Indonesian and Dutch governments.
Ambassador Puja uttered his hopes that these activities will be sustained by including more existing potential and that many opportunities will arise to realize a better understanding for interreligious activities.
Besides the dialogue with the theme on religious education, an anthology of essays by 12 Dutch and 15 Indonesian writers envisioning ‘Costly Tolerance’ will be launched on this occasion, said Steering Committee-member Robert Setio, as was broadcasted by the Indonesian Embassy at The Hague.
The Indonesian scholars’ visit to the Netherlands was related to a seminar about (de)radicalization at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. The University is one of the members of the Consortium.