From a Comparative Study of Religion to Engaged Religious Studies
From a Comparative Study of Religion to Engaged Religious Studies
A book article written by Dr. Suhadi,
Lecturer at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies,
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Indonesia. Participant of The Netherlands-Indonesian Consortium for Muslims-Christians Relation
In this article, appearing in a revised publication of “Study of Religion in Indonesia: Empirical Reflections”, by Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University of Indonesia, (edited by Dr. Samsul Maarif), Suhadi looks back on the discussion at the international level and how study of religion is experienced in Indonesia. This article reflects on the differences between the three paradigms, evolved within the study of religions: Theology, Science of Religion and Religious Studies. The article discusses the history (particularly but not limited to the one initiated by Mukti Ali, its strength but also the criticism), its development and the challenges of religious studies in Indonesia. At the end of this 14 pages’ writing, Suhadi advocates the paradigm of “Engaged Religious Studies” for Indonesian society.
To learn more about it, please order the book with CRCS-UGM, tel. +62 274-544976, (miss Lina or miss Nuning).