Interreligious Education for Tolerance
The Indonesian Embassy in the Netherlands and the Consortium organise a conference on religious education for the promotion of tolerance. This conference with the (working) title ‘Interreligious Education for Tolerance’ which will take place in August 2016, focuses provisionally on the issue of how to educate citizens in schools and faith communities so as to take the religious other into account in their religious formation.
From February till May 2016, Senne Joustra and Theodora van Boven, two students at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, will be joining up with Consortium to conduct preliminary research regarding this project. They will be stationed at CRCS in Yogyakarta and Kerk in Actie in Utrecht. Our focus will be on the exchange of law, policy and practice in the field of religious education and tolerance in both Indonesia and the Netherlands. This is meant as background research in preparation for the conference and has an informing function to participants. In this way we hope to contribute to a meaningful exchange of best practices in this particular field.
TRIP to pesantren in Kediri and Blitar.
In April Senne and Theodora visited two pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools). One in Kediri and one in Blitar (East Java). They had a reciprocal opportunity with the students to ask questions about religion, religious education, life at the pesantren, life in the Netherlands and more.
“Hereby some pictures of our trip (we even had our own “spanduk”)….”