Contextual hermeneutics and dialogical competencies as a way out of conflictuous dilemma’s

In today’s hardened socio-religious climate, both in Indonesia and in the Netherlands, we have been and still are confronted with ever spreading radicalism. In faith related mixed classes, this occurs among both teachers and students. Adherence to textual/literal interpretations of the Holy Scriptures can be seen as one of the main causes; different views and communication styles stand in the way of interaction and dialogue based on mutual respect, often leading to tense situations in the classroom.

The conference aims to exchange views on this issue by presenting case studies, exploring the siginificance of contextual hermeneutics and dialogue-based communication styles, beside studying the respective education systems in both countries. A specific objective is to strengthen relations between teachers religious education in the Netherlands and Indonesia.

We look forward to seeing you at this interesting event, please disseminate this invitation within your network(s).

Di Indonesia maupun di Belanda, propaganda radikalisme tetap berlangsung. Di ruang kelas, hal ini bisa berdampak buruk bagi hubungan antar murid dan guru. Tidak dipungkiri bahwa penafsiran tekstual atau harafiah terhadap teks-teks suci dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab utamanya. Pemahaman yang berbeda menghalangi interaksi dan komunikasi yang didasari rasa saling menghormati, dan sering kali mengarah pada ketegangan-ketegangan di kelas.

Konferensi ini bertujuan bertukar pandangan tentang masalah ini dengan menayangkan kasus, mengeksplorasi penafisran (hermenuetika) kontekstual dan komunikasi berbasis dialog, selain mendalami struktur pendidikan nasional kedua negara, serta bertujuan khusus mempererat hubungan antar pengajar pendidikan agama di Belanda dan Indonesia.

Kami berharap akan kedatangan Anda pada acara menarik ini, dan kami mohon agar undangan ini disebarkan di jaringan Anda.

Meeting ID: 81061073711
Passcode: 2023

NICMCR Pokja Costly Tolerance / Inclusive Religious Education (CT / IRE)

Alper Alasag
Coord. NL
Atik Tapipin
Coord. IND