Decolonizing Religions in Indonesia and the Netherlands
Unravelling the legacy of colonialism today
Speaking of colonialism, who does not remember the cartoon of fat white men sitting on the back of a skinny brown man? After several centuries of Western colonialism and gained independence for many countries, this image seemed to have faded somewhat. Until it hit back hard. “I cannot breathe”, stifled the world. Black Live Matters was portrayed as a cartoon of slavery and colonialism. Also for Indonesia and the Netherlands, seven decades of independence could not completely undo the shackles of the colonial mindset. The road of decolonization, to equalise non-white inferiority and white supremacy is still a steep and winding one.
Being a network of Muslims and Christians, Indonesian and Dutch academics and practitioners, in its endeavours, NICMCR brings together perspectives from Indonesia and the Netherlands for better understanding of a shared history, in order to prepare for a post-colonial future. Looking back on 10 years of our existance, the question is how far we have come and what we plan to achieve. Four panelists will share their opinion on this matter of global urgency.”
Setelah ber abad-abad berada di bawah penjajahan barat dan memperoleh kemerdekaan setelah Perang dunia kedua, banyak negara mengharapkan sisi-sisi kelam warisan sejarah mereka akan memudar.
Apakah demikian? “Saya tidak bisa napas”, demikian pekikan yang menyebar mencekik seantero dunia. Black Live Matters dilukiskan bak kartun perbudakan dan penjajahan. Juga bagi Indonesia dan Negeri Belanda tujuh dekade kemerdekaan belum berhasil melepaskan belenggu pola pikir kolonial.
Dalam kiprah akademik maupun praktis di Indonesia dan di Belanda selama 10 tahun, NICMCR mencoba memperpadukan perspektif kedua negara ini menjadi pemahaman historis bersama yang lebih baik menghadapi masa depan pascakolonial. Sejauh manakah kita berhasil dan apa yang hendak dituju? Empat panelis akan berbagi opini menyelisik masalah global yang mendesak ini.
Friday, 3 December 2021, 10..00-11.30 CET / 16.00-17.30 WIB
Opening speech: Dr. Phil. Sahiron, M.Ag (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta)
Moderated by: Prof. dr. Frans Wijsen (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Dr. Zainal Abidin Bagir (UGM, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies)
Rev. Robert Setio, Ph.D (Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta)
Khoirus Sa’diyah-Broersma (PCI NU Belanda)
Rev. Karin van den Broeke (Protestant Church in the Netherlands)
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NICMCR, Anniversary Team