Meet the Faces of ‘Ibu Bumi’

Women’s endeavours in saving their ancestor land in Kendeng

As the climate emergency, social crises, natural and everyday disasters continue to rock our communities, with on top of that a failed COP26, who should we turn to for guidance? Attested by time, the indigenous communities are the ones who are always at the forefront of Earth-saving.

This is self-evident when we look at the Kendeng community and their endeavours. What happens in Kendeng? Why are the Kendeng activists dubbed as Kartini? What is the concept of Ibu Bumi? And is there any connection with religious teachings?

Join us in this unique conversation with the people of Kendeng and the academic researchers during the Pokja Gender’s webinar of the Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR).

Temui Wajah ‘Ibu Bumi’: Upaya Perempuan Menyelamatkan Tanah Leluhur di Kendeng

Selama ini, ketika alam mengalami goncangan dan kerentanan kerusakan, masyarakat adat senantiasa berada di garda terdepan untuk menyelamatkannya. Pengabdian dan penghormatan masyarakarat adat pada alam sangat nyata, sebagaimana perjuangan tiada lelah komunitas Kendeng.

Lantas, teriakan alam apa yg sejatinya terjadi di Kendeng? Mengapa aktivis Kendeng disebut Kartini? Apa makna “Ibu Bumi”? dan bagaimana hubungannya dengan agama?

Bergabunglah bersama kami dalam dialog interaktif bersama masyarakat Kendeng dan para peneliti akademis selama webinar Pokja Gender Konsorsium Belanda-Indonesia untuk Hubungan Muslim-Kristen (NICMCR).

Date and time:

Friday, 26 Nov. 2021, 09:30 CET/15:30 WIB


Sukinah (Kartini Kendeng)
Gunritno (Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng)
Dewi Candraningrum (Jejer Wadon Studio)
Zaimatus Sa’diyah (Radboud University)

Opening remarks:

Prof. dr. Frans Wijsen (Radboud University) Moderated by Marius Koelink (Utrecht University)

Hosted on zoom. Please register here: