Why can’t I love the one I love
Reviewing sexual orientation and gender-fluid expression through the lens of religious texts
Join us in this special edition of the Pokja Gender of the Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR) webinar. We bring together four experts from different academic disciplines to discuss the question of sexual orientation and gender-fluid orientation within religious texts. What are texts (dalil) that impede the practice of ‘the deviant’ sexual orientation? Can the right ‘to be’ supersede these texts?
What is the repercussion from the Nashville statement? Can we juxtapose the present practices and the past practices (e.g Middle ages) between the religious communities and ‘the heresy’ in this regard? And drawing lessons-learned from it?
Mari bergabung dalam webinar edisi spesial Pokja Gender Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR) dengan tema ‘Mengapa saya tidak boleh mencintai orang yang saya cintai: menelisik orientasi seksual dan ekspresi gender-fluid dari balik lensa agama’. Empat ahli dari berbagai disiplin akademik akan mengkaji pertanyaan terkait orientasi seksual dan gender-fluid dalam teks-teks agama. Teks (dalil) mana yang menghambat praktik orientasi seksual yang dianggap “tidak lazim”? Apakah HAM dapat menggantikan teks-teks tersebut?
Apa dampak pernyataan Nashville? Bisakah kita menyandingkan praktik sekarang dengan praktik dahulu (mis. abad pertengahan) antara komunitas agama dan mereka yang ‘sesat’? Serta mengambil pembelajaran darinya?
Dr. Ruard Ganzevoort, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr. Mufidah, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Dr. Teguh Wijaya Mulya, University of Surabaya
Dr. Bojana Radovanović, Radboud University Nijmegen
Nailah, Pusat Riset Gender (Center for Gender Studies) SKSG Universitas Indonesia
Wednesday 3 November 2021
15:30 WIB or 09:30 CET
Hosted on Zoom, bilingual, translation available
Register: https://bit.ly/3nTxuTv