International Webinar – Pandemic in the History of Religions
International Webinar
Pandemic in the History of Religions
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
15.00 – 17.00 WIB, 10.00 – 12.00 CET
The Covid-19 pandemic has had and still has far reaching consequences around the world. It has caused severe political, cultural, social and economical implications. The pandemic also impacted religion in various ways; concerns prompted changes to religious protocols at houses of worship.
These protocols even gave rise to a clash between religion and science. Looking at the history of religions, the question arises whether there have been outbreaks with similar impacts in the past? How did religion react at those times?
We invite you to join the online International Webinar “Pandemic in the History of Religions” organized by the International Office of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, in collaboration with the Netherlands-Indonesian Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR), Protestantse Theologische Universiteit (PThU), and Islam Kennis Centrum Netherlands
Pandemi Covid-19 menciptakan dampak hebat di seluruh dunia, mulai dari dampak sosial sampai ekonomi. Tak terkecuali juga pada agama, terlebih karena protokol physical distancing sangat berpengaruh pada cara kita beribadah. Dampak pada ibadah ini bahkan sempat memunculkan benturan antara agama dan sains. Jika ditilik dari sejarah agama-agama, apakah pernah ada wabah dengan dampak serupa di masa lalu? dan bagaimana agama menyikapinya ketika itu?
Yuk ikuti online International Webinar dengan tema Pandemic in the History of Religions yang diselenggarakan oleh International Office UIN Sunan Kalijaga bekerjasama dengan Netherlands-Indonesian Consortium foe Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR), Protestantse Theologische Universiteit (PThU), dan Islam Kennis Centrum Belanda.
Mark the date:
Tuesday, 7 July 2020, 15.00-17.30 WIB, 10.00 – 12.30 CET
Welcome Speech:
Dr. Phil. Sahiron Syamsuddin (Plt. Rektor UIN Sunan Kalijaga)
Resource persons:
- Prof. GM Speelman (Protestantse Theologische Universiteit, Belanda)
- Dr Ali Imron (Dosen Prodi Ilmu Hadis UIN Sunan Kalijaga)
- Alper Alasag (Head of Islam Kennis Centrum (IKC) Academy)
- Achmad Uzair, M.A., Ph.D., (KUI UIN Sunan Kalijaga)
Click the REGISTRATION LINK and register for the webinar
085643806625 (Tri); 082142779722 (Wafi); t085694837418 (Adit)
#webinar #nicmcr #uinsk #covid19 #historyofreligions